18 was co-located with ISSTA 2018 in Amsterdam


This is the First edition of INTUITESTBEDS (International Workshop on User Interface Test Automation and Testing Techniques for Event Based Software). INTUITESTBEDS is a merge of two workshops with very similar goals and topics, INTUITEST – 4th International Workshop on User Interface Test Automation, and TESTBEDS – 8th International Workshop on TESting Techniques for event BasED Software.

Automated testing of software systems through the user interface (UI) has been a popular research topic especially during the last decade. Some of the challenges related to this automation have remained, but new approaches, such as model extraction and agile development processes, have introduced new challenges.

The workshop will have a joint program committee peer-reviewing all the submissions. There will be separate tracks for longer research papers focusing on novelty and shorter industry track papers focusing on practical impact. As automated testing is very tool dependent, the aim is to have a separate tools track with live or video demonstrations.

The workshop aims to bring together the researchers, practitioners and tool developers working on topics related to the:

1) automated testing of applications through the user interfaces, including but not limited to graphical user interfaces, user interfaces of mobile devices and applications, and user interfaces of web applications, and

2) testing of other types of event-driven software, such as network protocols, embedded software, IoT applications and devices, web services and device drivers.

Call for papers

We solicit novel papers related to the following topics (not strictly limited) in the context of User Interface and other Event Based Systems:

  • modeling and model inference,
  • test case generation and execution,
  • test oracles,
  • coverage, metrics and evaluation,
  • analysis and reporting,
  • abstraction and re-usability,
  • interoperability and cross-platform testing,
  • prioritization and optimization,
  • tooling and industrial experiences.

Papers can be of one of the following types:

  • Research paper (8 pages)
  • Position paper (4 pages)
  • Tool demo paper (4 pages)
  • Industry presentations (2 pages overview and 4 example slides)

Each paper in the first three categories (full, position and demo) will be reviewed by at least three referees. Papers should be submitted as PDF files in two-column IEEE conference publication format. Templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available from (please use the letter, format template and conference option).

Papers of the Workshop will be published through the IEEE digital library.

Industrial presentations are submitted in the form of a 2-page overview and 4 sample presentation slides as pdf files. They will be evaluated by at least two members of the Program Committee for relevance and soundness.

Papers should be submitted through EasyChair.

Workshop 19 JULY 2018

Organization Committee

Ana Paiva

University of Porto, Portugal,

Anna Rita Fasolino

University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy,

Pekka Aho

Open University, The Netherlands,

Tanja E. J. Vos

Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain,

Open University, The Netherlands,

Program Committee

  • Martin Deiman, Testwerk, Netherlands
  • Rudolf Ramler, Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria
  • Daniele Zuddas, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland
  • Kevin Moran, College of William & Mary, USA
  • Riccardo Coppola, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • José Creissac Campos, University of Minho, Portugal
  • Vahid Garousi, Wageningen University, Netherlands
  • Wishnu Prasetya, Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • Filippo Ricca, Università di Genova, Italy
  • Domenico Amalfitano, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  • Emil Alégroth, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Marcio Eduardo Delamaro, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Denys Poshyvanyk, College of William and Mary, USA
  • Lydie Du Bousquet, LIG, France
  • Sam Malek, University of California, Irvine, USA
  • Rafael Oliveira, USP, Brazil
  • Teemu Kanstrén, VTT, Finland
  • Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
  • Mauro Pezzè, University of Lugano, Switzerland
  • Yvan Labiche, Carleton University, USA
  • Mariano Ceccato, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
  • Bruno Legeard, Smartesting, France


INTUITESTBEDS in room Hanoi of the Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre


  • 11:00-12:30 INTUITESTBEDS session 1
    • Welcome by chairs + practical matters (5-10 mins)
    • Keynote (50 mins):
      • Domenico Amalfitano: “Online GUI Testing Techniques”
    • Paper: 1 x 30 min
      • “Automatic GUI Testing of Desktop Applications: an Empirical Assessment of the State of the Art”, Mauro Pezzè, Paolo Rondena and Daniele Zuddas
  • 12:30-14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00-15:30 INTUITESTBEDS session 2
    • Papers: 3 x 30 min
      • “Towards Automated Translation between Generations of GUI-based Tests for Mobile Devices”, Luca Ardito, Riccardo Coppola, Marco Torchiano and Emil Alégroth
      • “Is This the Lifecycle We Really Want? An Automated Black-Box Testing Approach for Android Activities”, Vincenzo Riccio, Domenico Amalfitano, and Anna Rita Fasolino
      • “GUI Scalability Issues of Windows Desktop Applications and How to Find Them”, Rudolf Ramler, Thomas Wetzlmaier and Robert Hoschek
  • 15:30-16:00 Coffee
  • 16:00- INTUITESTBEDS session 3
    • Tool demos
    • Student presentations
      • Conny Hagelukken
      • Marion de Groot
